What We Delivered


Key Objectives

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics is the leading provider of point-of-care testing platforms, offering healthcare professionals the ability to provide effective patient care. The brief was to redesign the existing CLINITEK 500 semi-automated urine chemistry analyser and explore new design features including an enhanced colour touchscreen and updating the aesthetics to reflect the next generation of desktop instruments. DesignEdge presented a series of product design concepts as sketches exploring new ideas, features and industrial design before handing over reference 3D CAD models meeting relevant production processes. CLINITEK Advantus improves urine testing reliability, minimising ‘hands-on” testing time, reading reagent strips for diabetes, renal checks and UTIs.


CLINITEK Advantus Analyser has been designed for optimal ergonomics and responds to demands for higher productivity and high quality. An easy to use and intuitive touch screen display offers medical professionals the ability to record patient information and operator identification. The design and engineering of the medical device dramatically improves the user’s experience and streamlines workflow with flexible operation including immediate start-up and automatic calibration. The analyser is network ready and automatically reads, interprets and documents Multistix® test strip results with a throughput of seconds/sample; up to 500 tests/hour. With its cutting edge technology, leading edge product design and advanced features CLINITEK Advantus is the benchmark for future urinalysis.

“This instrument is very easy to use. Results are available in less than 40 seconds. It is easy to troubleshoot and tech support is always available from their customer support team. Great instrument and very reliable.”

Benjie SantiagoKindred Hospital - Paramount
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics - Clinitek Advantus Urine Chemistry Analyser

Setting the design standard

DesignEdge's proven ability to combine innovative engineering solutions with imaginative and distinctive medical device product design helped to develop the next generation reflectance spectrophotometer. CLINITEK Advantus Analyser is a highly productive, semi-automatic urine chemistry analyser that can perform up to 500 tests per hour. DesignEdge provided a full design service from initial concept design sketches and photo-realistic visuals through to detailed 3D CAD, working through mechanical and aesthetic aspects culminating in a design that is striking and precisely detailed.

Enhanced design – cutting edge technology

The CLINITEK Advantus is a semi-automated, bench-top urinalysis analyser designed to read reagent strips such as Multistix® 10 SG or PRO Reagent. Advantus is a reflectance spectrophotometer that analyses the color and intensity of the light reflected from the reagent area and reports the results, helping to detect a wide range of conditions including UTIs, diabetes and kidney disease.


Intuitive and easy-to-use interface used to operate the analyser software, technicians can enter microscopy results via the touchscreen.


Automatically flags and prints completed patient, QC results and sample ID reports for microscopy follow-up.


A handheld reader scans information into the system, used to identify sample, colour and clarity values to minimize errors, a large memory capacity stores 500 patient results for data retrieval.


Stores and collects used reagent test strips in a handy removable capsule.


Test strip analysis and interpretation.


User places urinalysis test strips for continuous loading via a mechanised sliding arm.